John Gerrard Animated Scene will be presented in a large boathouse on the Island of Certosa, located two stops (5 minutes) from Giardini on public waterbus 41. It marks the first time that the island will be used as a venue for the Biennale.
Certosa is a largely wooded former monastery island, and a wilderness of beaches, goats, wild herbs and mulberry trees. The artist plans to use its surplus of wind to provide energy for the project, and its remarkable 12th century cloister to frame a series of meetings and dialogues with visitors.
Isola di Certosa on Google maps,
Sentry (Kit Carson, Colorado), a fourth work in the series, will be on view at the Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, as part of Infinitum, the third part of a trilogy of exhibitions mounted by Axel Vervoordt.
Palazzo Fortuny on Google maps.